15 Oct 08 by Canonico Costantino
Canonico Costantino artworks
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The idea of Eternity of the image of the sculpture of Michelangelo ( David ) and the opposite sense of the specular image submitted at the flowing Time .
Image shows the symbol of this wonderfull Island :Minotaurue , Ikarus , the wind (meltemi) the disc of Festo . and the queen of the snakes .
Centaur Kirone teacher of Teseo in Volos ( Grece )
Spring's Equinox
The birth of Nocturnal Spring
" To Be " and the "Nothing"
Who are we? From where are we coming?Where are we going? Eternal question with no reasonable answer.
Demon in Love
Great Love overgoes the cathegories of well and badly.
Nocturnal Butterfly
A star added
The Time's play
The figure has in the hands the Moon and the Sun playng with them
Ikarus ( the Fall )
Here the figure of Ikarus has been used as a symbol of the earth eathing . The wings indicate the human arrogance .
Daughter of Agamennone
The Fate
Ifigenia sacrificed by the father Agamennone to obtain the wind necessary to tle flot to go against Troja .
Suspended Time
The sun brushes the Moon . The time stop to flow , the sound of music becames silence ,as in a istant of eternity .
The Seduction
A witch makes seduction with a enchantemet .
The Pride
This is not a pride woman bue the Pride itself .
The Tiber's Mermaid
When I was forteen I saw her sitting on the parapet waiting for men under the sunset light and I was sure that she in the night gone to sleep into the Tiber Tiver.
One of the most important symbol of Crete :the symbol connested to this figure is the labyrinth as the deep abisses of our conscience .
Before the sun desappear !
Live fully life until the last moment .
Tales of the Night
In the night , before to sleep on the beaches of Creta it happened to me to hear the rustling leafes of the trees telling fanny tales . I paint this tales .
The Seven hills , the parks , the fountaines , the statues and the ruines under the sunset ,the wind (Ponentino Romano ) all these things together , are Rome , my loved town.
The red man asks : who is speaking to me? Answer: I am yoursels . The blue man asks :who is peaking to me? Answer : I AM A GOD!
The last fish
Stratification of the histories of generations of fishermen now meet the petroleum .
Arcaic Head
The Casket of Jung
The world of Sacer and of symbols that C.G.Jung inquired for his psychoanalytic studies , because this World is into us . They sleep but are not completely removed from our subconscious .
Mysterious Flowers
While we observe the flowers something or somebody is looking us through the MOVING leafes .
Daughter of Priamo ,clairvoyant but condemned by Apollo to never believed .
The Bullfight
Rotating fly of the Matador forward the Death
Arabian Fenix
Two figures to make only one figure with only one face
Glance of Icaro
Dreaming Crete
The Poet
The poet speaks using an alphabet of red poppies
Circe ( the nice Death )
From Odyssey
Mythological figure
Oedipus Sphinx Enigma
Oedipus in Tebe
The dance of Day and Night
Time's dance
The tecnique obscures the figures and the values of the past.
The Circe of III° Millennium
The enchantements of Circe are going to become nightmares
Time's Door
We have loosen the key
Minitauro B
Symbol of Minoic civilty
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The Horacle
Visiting Delfi
Work installated in the hall of Hotel Adige - Trento - Italy
Il Vento e il Sogno
Una sera di Settembre , a Falasarna ( Creta ) dove sul mare sorge un bellissimo sito Archeologico , si è levato il meltemi , un vento tipico Cretese . Il meltemi ,insinuandosi tra le rovine provocava suoni e immagini . Questa è una di queste .